
Windows server 2016 RDS - 10 User CALs

Buy Windows server 2016 RDS - CALs at the cheapest price in the online market!

After a successful purchase, you will immediately receive :

  • Windows server 2016 RDS - User CALs activation License Keycode is a lifetime valid license
  • Guides and instructions to activate your Product
  • 7/7 Free Customer care support
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You save: $50.00 (8%)
Price in points: 570 points
brandMicrosoft Client Access Licenses10 CALs
Windows Server 2016 RDS - 10 User CALs + Windows Server 2016 Standard

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Total list price$768.90
Price for all$748.90

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Download and activate Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALs with the cheapest price on the Market

Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALs is a Microsoft operating system for managing servers. The 2016 version is the counterpart of the original Windows 10. it available now as a stand alone software on our website. You can download and install your software directly from our digitalproductkey.com website.

Windows server 2016 RDS - User CALs

Install Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALs and profit from the remote users accessibility

Windows Server 2016 RDS User CALs is perfect for solutions like virtualization. When various virtual machines are to be installed on a specific host. Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALS is a good tool to do so. User literally means that the CAL is connected to a real individual. In other words, this CAL will shift from one computer to another. Therefore, this license is suitable for managers. CAL stands for the Customer Management License, which literally turns into a permit.

Solutions for all your needs

This is a virtualized environment where users can discover instant solutions to their needs, such as accessing their mobile software, while benefiting from complete safe remote connectivity so that they can execute and work in a cloud-based mechanism. The Windows Server 2016 RDS User CALS system would allow users to use web applications without the need to enter a complete desktop session. This feature included in Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALS would definitely help you communicate with the workplace as if you were using your own laptop.

Solutions for all your needs

Remote certification security

With Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALs you will benefit from the Remote certification Security feature used in the Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALS that guarantees complete authentication while connected to the RDS server. Users would also provide easy access to a wide variety of job conditions while ensuring a high degree of success and efficiency.

Remote certification security

Individual virtual desktop

With Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALs, users will be able to access individual remote sessions in which they experience a variety of application operations that need to be handled primarily and accessible to them. So, Windows Server 2016 RDS - User CALS individual virtual desktop sessions allow all users to run their regular workloads via a controlled access mechanism while all data and properties are also assured.

Individual virtual desktop



General Information

Client Access Licenses:
10 CALs